Customized STARband® Cranial Remolding Orthosis
As a result of the “Back to Sleep Program” which encourages parents to have children sleep on their backs and has been proven to decrease Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and recommended by pediatricians, some babies are developing asymmetrically shaped heads. There are three primary shapes for these deformities; scaphocephaly (very long and narrow), brachycephaly (very short and wide) and plagiocephaly (distorted to resemble a pararellogram). Northeast Orthotics and Prosthetics is the only facility in Rhode Island that uses the elite Orthomerica's Starscanner Laser Acquistion System to capture the most accurate images of the baby's asymmetrical head and Orthomerica to provide the best fitting STARband® remolding helmet. This particular Starscanner system is preferred in research centers for both its accurate scan quality and accurate and detailed comparison reporting capabilities. The helmets, scanner, and the entire protocol are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
In the above video, meet the experienced orthotists at Northeast Orthotics and Prosthetics and see the STARscanner in action.
What is the STARband® AND HOW DOES IT WORK?
The STARband® is a custom molded orthosis designed for infants with abnormal head shapes. The orthotic treatment program focuses on redirecting cranial growth towards greater symmetry and proportion.
The cranial remolding orthosis treatment focuses on redirecting cranial growth toward greater symmetry. This is accomplished by maintaining contact over the prominent areas of the head, and allowing room for growth in the areas of flattening. To learn more, please click on the images below to open them in your web browser:
Evaluations for a Cranial Remolding Orthosis (Helmet)
The initial visit requires a prescription from a physician and includes an evaluation, initial scan, brief history and discussion about the treatment process. The orthotist will make a duplicate image of the infant's head using the 3-D STARscan. The infant is placed in the scanner where eye safe lasers and cameras create a three-dimensional image of the head. The scan replaces the casting process and is sent by e-mail for fabrication of the orthosis. Please click here to view/download the STARband® Helmet Transfer Pattern Guide >>
Treatment Process
Approximately 2 weeks after the scan, the the orthosis will be ready for fitting and delivery. The orthotist will determine final trim lines, answer any questions and provide instructions for wearing time. Continued care will involve follow up visits at 2-4 week intervals throught the duration of the treatment. On average, treatment takes approximately 8-16 weeks for infants between 4-7 months old. Older infants may require a longer treatment time as head growth slows after 12 months.
Cranial remolding orthoses are considered durable medical equipment (DME) by most insurance plans. Check with your insurance company to determine whether your policy includes this coverage. If your policy does not cover cranial remolding orthoses, you may want to discuss a payment plan with our office. Please call Melissa at 401-437-8016 with any questions or concerns.
Orthotists Specializing in Cranial Remolding
Reina Kingsley (CO)
Board Certified Orthotist
Jared Cantin (CPO)
Board Certified Orthotist and Prosthetist
*Our practitioners have certification in the elite STARscanner Laser Data Acquisition System. This two-second scan offers a comprehensive printout tracking progress.
Please click here to view/download the STARband® Helmet Transfer Pattern Guide >>
Please click here to view/download the Cranial Remolding Brochure »